Request for Quote:

Number of Ohio escrow accounts (IOTAs) maintained by 
your company at any point between 9/1/12 – 8/31/13. 
Escrow software used to reconcile your IOTAs 
The average number of Ohio monthly transactions between 9/1/12 and 8/31/13.
Between 9/1/12 and 8/31/13, we are (were) agents for the following underwriters in Ohio:
(Select all that apply)
American Guaranty Title
Bankers Guarantee Title
Chicago Title
Commonwealth Land Title
Conestoga Title
Fidelity National Title
First American Title
General Title
Investors Title
National Title of NY
North American Title
Ohio Bar Title
Old Republic National Title
Stewart Title
Title Resources Guaranty
Westcor Title
WFG National Title